Science was on the tip of everyone’s tongue as we completed our annual explore, experiment and engage activities as part of Science Week.
The first activity was to make Oobleck, which is a combination of cornstarch and water that can behave like a solid or a liquid depending on how much pressure you apply. Students worked with their hands to feel both liquid and solid once pressure was released. Soapy Regatta was next where the children used a boat shape card with a v cut out of the back, dipped a cotton swab in detergent and moved their boat around the water.
Technology was used to problem solve and use critical thinking to solve a range of puzzles including Zen tangram and Crazy Gear Box. The iPads provided a range of apps to challenge thinking with some very pleasing results.
Our robots were in full flight as students programmed Bluebots to navigate around a maze. Some very creative designs were made with students working in pairs to program and evaluate their coding. Some students constructed obstacle courses and used Spheros to guide their way through for bonus TRIBE points.
Finally our students tested the aero dynamic properties of paper, creating a ‘whirly gig' (paper helicopter) making a series of cuts and adding/removing a paper clip. They tested these from low and high points outside, with some very interesting results and a lot of laughter as each spin crazily towards the ground.
A lot of fun was had by all involved. Thank you to Miss Colla for arranging these amazing activities for our students to complete.
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